Alpha Trans Tech

Document Translation Services

Many localization projects handled by Alpha TransTech contain documentation components in either electronic or paper format. We support all the software tools required to produce the various forms of documentation on Windows platforms and all language groups, including Western European, Nordic, Baltic, Central and Eastern European, Cyrillic, Asian (Double Byte) and Middle Eastern (Bidirectional).
We have the technical ability, quality systems, and scalability to deal with the full spectrum of projects ranging from single page data sheets up to the largest volumes of multilingual projects.


Translation Technology Designed to Save You Time and Money

Our translators use the latest Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools to save you time, lower translation costs, and improve accuracy. Our proven quality control process ensures consistent use of terminology and glossaries in complex or lengthy documents, as well as in ongoing projects. Our technology helps to lower your translation costs.

In Alpha TransTech, our translators are thoroughly familiar with all the tools of the industry required for up-to-the-minute translation solutions. Our translators are also adept at using any other tools specified by our customers.